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Welcome to the Navigate Companion Website: NASM Essentials of Corrective Exercise Training, First Edition Revised.

This website features numerous interactive and informative learning resources that gauge understanding and help students study more effectively. Created as a practical learning tool for students, it gives students an opportunity to try out new concepts in a safe learning environment.

Student Resources

Crossword Puzzles
Crossword Puzzles provide a fun and interactive review of terms from each chapter.

Interactive Glossary
The Interactive Glossary allows you to instantly view definitions of key terms from the text. It can be searched by keyword, browsed alphabetically, or browsed by chapter.

Practice Quizzes
These Practice Quizzes test your knowledge of the important concepts in each chapter and provide an explanation for each answer.

Lab Activities
Lab-based activities are an integral component of the learning process. These activities help students learn how to analyze and apply information from a lecture or reading assignment into a practical hands-on experience.